Thursday, December 5, 2013

animals on the go

I used Prisma Colors to add value to this drawing by adding white and black to areas and darker/lighter values of a color. I showed movement in this drawing by the chameleon by it reaching out with its tongue to grab a beetle. I think that there are many benefits to using Prisma Colors. One of them being that you can use a lot of layers of colors and overlap colors to brighten them. I think the benefits to sketching are to get a good idea of what you want before you make a final product. It allows you to experiment with different styles and values. This project took a really long time and I had a little trouble getting all the really light values. Overall I really enjoy the end product and I’m proud of it!

Figure Drawing

This week we did figure drawings. Proportion and scale are very important in figure drawings because if one aspect is wrong, then the whole drawing won’t look proportional. For example, if your hip placement and your shoulder placement don’t align correctly, then the rest of the body won’t look to scale. I think that I showed mass and volume in this picture by making the shoulders and hips the right way and by adding ripples and shading. I think gesture drawings and figure drawings are really beneficial because they help you understand the human body and how it moves. I like working with charcoal because it blends easily and you can be freer with charcoal than you can with pencil. I think I had challenges with the shirt because it was so loose and it is hard to look at a body with loose clothes on and still make it look proportional. Overall, I really liked doing gesture and figure drawings because I could add my own style with still being precise with the movement of the body.